Take a few minutes and check out all that we have available for you on this site. You can learn about what is happening each week, meet our team, watch a service, and even give to support the work we are doing in our city and region!
But if you really want to see what it's like, plan your visit with us today!
Join us this weekend for Sunday Service at 10 AM.
Please note that all events scheduled may be subject to change based upon current health and safety guidelines.
VIEW ALL EVENTS →Location: Gymnasium - Following the Service
If you are new to our church in the last few months we would love the opportunity to get to know you and allow you to get to know us. We would like to invite you to stay for “PIZZA WITH the PASTOR” on Sunday, March 30, following the service in the gym. If interested you can let us know either by dropping a connection card in the offering plate stating your interest, contacting the church office, or registering in Church Center through our website. We can't wait to meet you!
Full Details → Pizza With The PastorsWe will be having our Egg Hunt on April 13th. Birth-5th graders are welcome to participate! We will meet in the gym after the service.
Full Details →Location: NPNaz Gymnasium
NPNaz is hosting a Ladies Breakfast on Saturday, May 10th from 9:00-10:30 in the youth building.
Full Details → NPNaz Ladies Breakfast© 2025 - New Philadelphia Nazarene